We often imagine our lives full with travel, new experiences, and adventures. If we are very lucky, we get just that. A trip to a foreign country. Enough money for a night out to an Indian dinner. Sufficient courage to take that tango class. We have what is required to fill our individual lives with unique experiences outside our norm. As the world gets smaller, either by force of nature or our own curiosity, wonderful collisions of culture become less and less avoidable.
We can’t imagine Symbology without Jaipur, nor Deli, nor the West Bank. It is our artisans who use their local techniques passed down from generations that truly define our line. Yet we find inspiration from all cultures, and art forms regardless of geography. We’ve used Cherry blossoms from China, and Longhorns from Texas.
Symbology isn't the only benefactor of a diverse and global world. Diversity makes us all better. New York wouldn’t be the same without Little Italy. San Francisco can’t be imagined without Chinatown. What gets overlooked is that these remarkable diversities not only make our own lives more Instagram-able, but also our communities more complete. Our differences are not fractures, but rather they are the joints that make the construction of our society stronger.
We shouldn’t fear things that are different from what we know. We shouldn’t fear new experiences: new food, new music, new cultures. However, our courage needn’t be limited to expanding our own horizons. We should embrace our neighbors, both locally and globally with the understanding that together we are stronger, and together we are more whole.
As always, we always encourage you to connect with people different than yourself and cultures different than your own, not just for your own good, but for the good of all us. Because we are stronger together, and we are certainly stronger with you.